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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Missing Purpose Report

Are you fulfilling your purpose?  Do you know what your purpose is?  Some definitions of purpose include:

              1. the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc. 
              2. an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.
              3. determination; resoluteness.
Do you need to file a missing purpose report?  It is similar to a missing person report.  The answers to the following questions will help you locate your purpose.

  1. When did you last see your purpose?  Think about a time when your effort increased your energy.  In other words, the more time you spent on something, your focus sharpened and you wanted to continue working on it.
  2. Where did you last see your purpose?  Sometimes it is not missing, but exactly where you left it.  If you don't look in the right place, you won't see it.   
  3. What was your purpose wearing?  Was it clothed in frustration or anticipation? Did it have on discipline or distraction? Dress your purpose in layers of confidence, opportunity, and resilience.
  4. Do you have a recent picture of your purpose?  Find a role model or mentor that can show you what it looks like.
  5. What is the name of your purpose? If you don't use the right name, it won't respond to you. Be specific about what your purpose is and how you plan to fulfill it. 
Do you need to file missing purpose report?  Leave a comment and share your answers to the questions asked in this week's post.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Matchmaking Profiles

Have you tried any of the online dating sites?  When you watch television, you see advertisements for eHarmony.com, Match.com, and many other sites that promise to help you find your ideal mate.  Often they provide testimonials from people that have used the site and found a match.  The matches are based on profiles built from  answers to questions about your preferences.  You can use a similar approach to other important decisions where you need to consider what is most compatible for you.  When you hear the word "mate", don't just think of a person.  One of the definitions of mate is "one of a matched pair".  Your socks, gloves, and earrings have mates.  Make sure that your chances, choices, and chases are mates for you.

  • Chance = Opportunity
    • You are presented with opportunities every day.  Each encounter and conversation provide chances for you to grow.  Find your match by assessing the timing, effort, and benefit associated with the opportunity.  Ask yourself the following questions - when do you want to do it, how much time do you want to devote to it, and what end result do you want to achieve.   
  • Choice = Decision
    • It is appropriate that the word choice rhymes with voice.  Your decisions speak for you.   Consider if the choice matches your needs for the past, present, or future.  This is an important distinction.  What was required last year may not fit with what is available right now.  What is available today may not work with what you will need next month.  Your decisions have an impact beyond the immediate moment. 
  • Chase = Pursuit
    • Be an active participant in your story.  From the Nike "just do it" campaign to the Verizon "can you hear me now" spots, advertisers are constantly nudging you to make a move toward your goal.  The man in the Verizon ad was in pursuit of a good signal and he kept moving until he found it.  It's wonderful to pursue excellence, but first you may need to pursue progress.  You need to be clear about your purpose, priorities and passion so you can pursue them.
Leave a comment and share what match you will make this week.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Baggage Claim

Do you check your bags when you fly?  Due to rising airline fees, some people choose to pack lighter so that they can carry their bags on the plane with them.  However, there will be times when that is not possible.  Some bags will need to be checked before you board and claimed after you reach your destination.  The flight attendant will usually make an announcement to tell passengers where to claim bags.  Also, the airport will have a display at baggage claim carousels listing the flights that will have bags come out at that location.  The point is that you will receive some direction on when and where to claim your physical bags on a flight. 

Unfortunately, there usually aren't instructions regarding some of the emotional baggage that people walk around with daily.  However, if you remember these three things, you may be able to handle your baggage with less stress, frustration, and anxiety.

  1. Tags - Your physical baggage is tagged with your name.  When you claim it, you know it belongs to you.  Treat your figurative baggage the same way.  Only pick up what belongs to you.  While it is normal to be concerned about problems that family and friends experience, be careful not to take ownership of the issues. 
  2. Weight - The more your baggage weighs, the more it costs you.  Only pack what is necessary.  Lighten your load.  You don't have to carry everything at once.  Regulate the flow of pressure, worry, and disappointment that influences you.  Consider it but don't be consumed by it.  Leave space for relief, peace, and opportunity.   
  3. Destination - Your baggage is assigned a location based on your ticket.  If you're going to New York, you don't want your bags to end up in Los Angeles.  Use the same principle for your figurative baggage.  Don't bring your work stress home.  Don't take your relationship challenges to work . 
Leave a comment and share your thoughts on this week's post.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Forgive and Remember

Have you ever been told to forgive and forget?  It's one of those common phrases that people use when giving advice to others.  However, when someone says those words to you, they often don't have all of the details regarding what they are telling you to forgive or what you need to forget.  It might be a better suggestion to tell someone to forgive and remember.  You're not telling them to remember the offense that was done to them.  You are asking them to remember more positive things.  These are some examples of forgive and remember.

  • Forgive and remember the last time you apologized and the response you wanted. Show that grace and compassion to others.
  • Forgive and remember the times you received a second, third, or fourth chance. Pay it forward.
  • Forgive and remember the mistakes you made while trying to do the right thing.
  • Forgive and remember the healed hurts of yesterday influence the potential possibilities of today that lead to the sustained success of tomorrow.
  • Forgive and remember your peace is precious.  Don't let anyone or anything disturb it.
  • Forgive and remember what makes you smile.  A smile not only transforms your face.  It influences your outlook.
  • Forgive and remember when you open your mind and heart to let out what has hurt you, you open them to let in what will heal you.
  • Forgive and remember your past victories, triumphs, and fresh starts. 
 Is there something that you need to forgive and remember?  Leave a comment and share your thoughts on this week's post.