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Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Other Side

When there is a competition, you may choose a side.  This is common for sporting events.  It is also true for pageants, cooking contests, talent shows, and other occasions when you express a preference for one person or thing over another.  While your favorite may be near and dear to your heart, there is probably someone that feels that same way about the other side.  Consider that there are three sides that contribute to how you view a scenario.  Are you inside, outside, or beside of it?

When you are inside of a situation, you can impact the outcome in multiple ways.  You are a participant.  The things that you do can make a difference.  Act with the intent to sponsor solutions, not promote problems. 

One of the advantages of being on the outside of a situation is that you have objectivity.  You will notice things that may be missed by those that are in the middle of what is happening.  Wisdom may be gained through observation.

Motivation can be found beside discouragement.  Peace may be located beside conflict.  If you look to the left or right of any position, you might see the opposite expression.

Leave a comment and share how you will use each side this week. 


  1. It’s when you are inside a situation that it is the most difficult time to be objective. It is almost like you have “Drank the Kool-Aid”. You seemed sold out to false evidence appearing real.
    In my profession I find myself being the one on the outside looking in which in this case is a good thing. I may not have worn their exact pair of shoes but have walked in the shoes of unemployment.
    I often ask myself has this person really done all that they need to do to re-enter the workforce or have they come to me to find the job, complete the application and go on the interview for them.
    Sometimes I have to deny myself and not pass judgment and look deep inside to motivate and encourage.
    People are hurting. It’s no longer business as usual. I have to help people to see the peace in the midst of a storm even when it feels like a tornado.
    This week I will seek to observe, be slow to speak and listen more. It is in those times that God will speak through the unexpected and I don’t want to miss his message. WMG…

    1. Hi WMG, you always leave really insightful comments. Thanks for taking the time to read the posts.

  2. I try to look at both sides and all sides before judging
