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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bumper Stickers

Do you notice the bumper stickers on other cars when you are driving or stuck in traffic?  The statements range from humorous to informative.  You may get an idea of what the driver cares about by the words that follow them.  Some may let you know that their child is an honor student at a particular school or that they are fans of a sports team.  Others might support a specific cause (cancer research, political candidate, environmental concerns, etc.). 

You might be reminded of a favorite hobby, motivated to participate in an organization, or amused by the phrasing or graphics when you glance at some of the stickers, window decals, or magnets.  Some common messages that you may see are Baby on Board or Support Our Troops.  Do you have anything on your car to give people an idea of what is close to your heart?  The next time that you are stuck in traffic, pass the time by looking at some of the other vehicles to see if there is something interesting being promoted or communicated. 

Leave a comment and share the bumper sticker, decal, or magnet that caught your attention this week.


  1. I always tend to notice the family decals. They used to annoy me because there was just too much going on on the back window of vehicles-typically minivans. However, over the past couple of weeks, they seem to have a different meaning to me. Now when I see them, I see the togetherness of family-perts included. These drivers are proudly representing the love/closeness of family which I have always appreciated and celebrated. It seems more poignant now since my family has been affected by these spring storms;here in Raleigh and now in Alabama. God be with all those families.

  2. I always stare at the self-sticking labels on the bumper and inside the back window of a car.
    Some make sense, some don't. Stickers reminding us to love our neighbors as ourselves really catch my attention.

