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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Free Apps

There is an app for almost everything today.  Technology advances have transformed the way we live, work, and play.  How often do you hear the phrase, "there's an app for that"?  Applications, or apps, can be downloaded on computers, tablets, and smartphones.  You have access to multiple programs at your fingertips.  However, there are certain free apps that do not require technology.  They are activated by how you perceive certain situations.  Your feelings determine if you demonstrate approval, appreciation, appeasement, apprehension, or appetite.

  • Approval encourages the recipient of it and engages the provider of it.  Do not give it lightly or take it for granted when you get it.  It bridges the gap between trying and succeeding.  Knowing that someone supports what you are doing energizes you. 

  • Appreciation is a building block for learning and development.  It casts a reflection that allows you to be noticed.  When you recognize the efforts, skills, and strength of others, you are often inspired to work on things to make you better.
  • Appeasement involves temporary strategic compromise.  It is not total surrender.  Keep the big picture in mind.  Weigh the way.  In other words, consider the consequences of getting your way in the moment.  Is it worth it in the long run?  

  •  Apprehension can be a useful tool for decision making.  Don't let fear stop you from taking calculated risks.  However, it is okay to proceed with caution when you are unsure about something.  Concern makes you more observant and sharpens your focus.

  •  Appetite is an indication that you require something to satisfy a desire, or dream, that you have.  Identify what you need to do to meet the need in a timely, organized manner.  Once you achieve an objective, make sure you have a plan to repeat the process.

Leave a comment and share which app you will use this week. 

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