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Friday, May 30, 2014

The Voice

Do you watch the television show, The Voice?  It is a talent show to find the next great singer. While there are similar shows on the air, this one has a different selection method than the others.  The judges have their backs to the contestants and evaluate them only by what they hear.  They don't see their clothes, body language, hair color, height, weight, etc.  What they hear determines what they do next.  It takes incredible focus to block out distractions and listen for what matters most to you.  Do you know the key voices in your life?  If not, how can you identify them? Who are they and when do they speak?

  • The Voice of Reason - When you feel angry, frightened, or insecure, ask yourself what happened to make you feel that way.  Listen to the voice of reason for the answer.  Your feelings may be justified.  Something or someone may have wronged, threatened, or offended you.  However, your response needs to come from a place of reason rather than emotion.  Calmness diffuses chaos.  Think before you act, while you are acting, and after you act.

  • The Voice of Wisdom - It is common to seek advice from others that have succeeded at what you are trying to do.  While this is a smart tactic, don't discount the wisdom that can be gained from those that failed.  Knowing what went wrong is just as valuable as knowing what went right. Wisdom wears many faces.  Don't miss it because it looks different than what you expected.

  • The Voice of Belief - There will always be doubters around you.  Some of them may even be in your inner circle.  Make sure their input is balanced by those who believe in you.  Belief is a powerful motivator and confidence booster.  When you hear that you can complete what you started, it helps you keep going when you are tempted to stop.  The faith of others feeds your will and determination to reach your goals.

  • The Voice of Change - It may be hard to change your environment, approach, or team.  There is a comfort level associated with routine and familiarity that can be beneficial for you.  But you must be careful that you don't become so attached to what you know that you are unable or unwilling to explore what you don't know.  Change is essential for you to thrive mentally and physically. 

  • Your Inner Voice - While external voices can serve as a guiding force for you, they are no substitute for your inner voice.  You are the ultimate voice of reason, wisdom, belief, and change for you.  When there is no one around to speak to you about a situation, you must be able to speak to yourself.  Develop your inner voice to support your needs by recognizing the consequences of your actions.  Trust yourself to make the right decisions.  You won't always be right, but you will gain experience to help you and your inner voice for the next time. 
Leave a comment and share what voice has helped you recently.


  1. . All of the comments about the voices is so positive, encouraging, and strengthing. They remind of God-confidence. God-confidence is trust in God's ability to work through me to shape people and circumstances. Great blog!
