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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Iron Supplement

What do you think of when you hear the word "iron"?  Do elite competitions like Iron Man Triathlon and Iron Chef come to mind?  Maybe you think of the tool used to get the wrinkles out of your clothes.  Iron is also an essential mineral that your body needs to function.  If you want to stay fit, you might pump iron. When you add the word "iron" to certain adjectives, they can be viewed as supplements to describe the use of tools.  You may use an iron daily to help you with your hair.  Flat irons and curling irons both apply heat but produce different results.  You can use them as symbols for how you approach stressful situations.   

A flat iron helps you to straighten your hair and eliminate tangles.  The process sometimes adds length as the strands are pulled and released.  Similarly, patience and attention to detail can function as flat irons when you need to be a problem solver.  Take your time to get an accurate assessment of the issue.  This will enable you to get to the root, or bottom, of the matter instead of dealing with surface symptoms.  When you focus on finding the common denominator of the different things hindering your progress, you can identify an effective strategy to help you move forward.

A curling iron helps you achieve the turns that can provide direction, or definition, to your hair.  You can flip it up, bend it under, or twist it into spirals. In other words, you can change the status quo by exploring viable alternatives.  When presented with a challenge, flip your internal switch to turn on that extra boost of confidence to meet it.  Remember that you have options on how to respond, or react, to situations.  Choose one that you can bend, or shape, to your personality and strengths.  You are at your best when you feel that your input is valued.  Finally, learn to anticipate when unexpected plot (plan) twists may occur.  Take a deep breath and let the curls (results) fall where they may.  You can adjust them to achieve the style (outcome) that you want. 

Leave a comment and share which type of iron you will use this week.

1 comment:

  1. I am truly blessed to know that I have the option to change, redo, curl, updo my hair the way I want to. This reminds me of life's situations. I have the option to make the best out of a bad situation.
