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Friday, December 9, 2011

Go For It

As the end of the year approaches, do you have unfinished business?  Did you make resolutions at the beginning of the year that still have not been accomplished?  Maybe you are working on your to do list for next year  Either way, stop thinking of reasons not to pursue your goals.  Go for it!  Your "it" may be different from someone else's "it".  However, there are some common elements to consider when you go for it.  Think about the benefit, habit, and transit of what you want to do.

Benefit - Consider the impact that your achievement will have on you and those around you.  When you reach your target, what will you gain that will help others?  You may have a wider reach and more influence than you realize.  When people see you succeed, it inspires them to keep moving toward their goals.    

Habit - Consistency is an important part of your process for self-improvement and growth.  If you do something on a regular basis, it becomes part of your routine.  You may be familiar with the saying "practice makes perfect".  Athletes, doctors, and lawyers are just some of the groups that openly practice their skills to enhance them.  Establish good habits that give you the tools needed to be productive.

Transit - Progress is often measured by movement.  When you take a step toward something, you send a signal that you believe you can have it.  There is a time to think about the pros and cons of an option.  It makes sense to talk about your plans with others that may have knowledge to share.  However, at some point, you have to take some type of action to put yourself in a position to get what you want.

Leave a comment share what you will do to go for it this week.   

1 comment:

  1. Benefit I think I will go to church more it will benefit me and my family as the saying goes money see money do
