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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Energy Drinks

How do you approach each day?  Do you wake up excited to go to work, school, or any other place on your schedule?  Or do you dread the tasks that make up your normal routine?  Is the sky your limit or have you reached your ceiling?  The answers to all of these questions often depends upon how you feel.  If you are physically or mentally tired, you might be easily distracted. Energy drinks are an option to help people remain alert and engaged.  Red Bull and 5 Hour Energy are two popular ones.  However, sometimes there are other figurative things that you can drink to help you. 
To re-energize yourself, try a drink made from decisions, requests, indicators, notes, and kudos.

Decisions - Uncertainty can cause you to delay committing to a plan of action.  When you continually change your mind about something, it may feel like you are going in circles.  That can be tiring.  Make a decision.  You won't know if it is the right one until you commit to it.  Challenge is a natural energizer. 

Requests - Ask for help, information, or a break when you need it.  Don't confuse independence with initiative.  Your drive, contribution, and credibility are not diminished when you involve others.  Assistance can strengthen your efforts.  Rest will improve your focus.

Indicators - Know the signs that point to a low energy level for you.  There are obvious things like irritability or slow movements.  However, you might have other indications that are specific to you.  Are you more forgetful?  Do you lose your appetite?  Recognize your indicators early so that you can pause and recharge.

Notes - Don't try to remember everything.  It takes too much effort.  Write down key points.  Calendars are important tools to help you manage your energy.  Energy = time, intent, and opportunities. 

Kudos -  Let others know when they do something well.  Excellence can be contagious.  Acknowledging achievement may encourage you to succeed. 

Leave a comment and share what parts of the drink help you to stay energized.


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